Online registrations will be open until 16:00 on February 3rd but it will also be possible to sign up at the registration packet pickup and on the day of the run unless it will be sold out.
Entry fee
The above-listed prices are in Icelandic Króna's (ISK)
You can make a name change while the electronic registration is open on "my page".
Included in the registration is a bib number that gives access to Northern Lights Run, a gift from 66° North, illuminating wristband and a tube of face paint. The registration packet can be picked up at the 66° north shop at Kringlan shopping mall. The package pick up will be open Friday, 2nd of February: 4 pm - 6 pm and Saturday, 3rd of February: 11 am - 5 pm in 66°North.
4-person package
In the 4-person package are four bib numbers that give you access to the run, two items from 66°north, two glowsticks, four illuminating wristbands and four tubes of face paint.
8 years old and younger
Parents or guardians of children 8 years old or younger are allowed to bring them along with them to the run free of charge but they won't get any of the things included in the registration fee. It will be possible to buy lights and other decorative things before the run starts.
Online registration requires a debit- or credit card payment. VISA and MasterCard cards are accepted. Note that you will receive a receipt when registration is finished if you receive no receipt the payment and registration has not gone through.
When registering for an event organised by the Reykjavik Sports Association, all participants must check a box to confirm their acceptance of the general terms and conditions of the run. Registration is not possible unless the box is checked. Click here to read the terms and conditions and here to read the privacy policy that is impregnable to the terms.
Please bring your QR code ticket with you when you pick up your registration package, it will speed up the process. You will receive the QR code and receipt by e-mail when you have finished your registration. It is also possible to find it on "my page".
Picking up your registration package
Registration packages will be available for pick up at the 66° north shop at Kringlan.
The package pick-up will be open as follows:
- Friday, 2nd of February: 4 pm - 6 pm
- Saturday, 3rd of February, run day: 11 am - 5 pm
In the registration system, you can register multiple runners at a time. Companies that want to register 10 or more participants can contact us for additional information.